Sunday, May 24, 2009


We went to Austin for the weekend to see our youngest, the baby of our family, Erin, graduate, again. This time she completed her Masters in Social Work. We are all extremely happy and proud of our girl. It hasn't always been easy, but it's been done and done well. Erin, like her Mother, and like her brother Matt, is a great academic. While it didn't always come easy, in most cases it took a great deal of hard work, Erin finished and finished in style and we are all cheering on her job search, go E go. She is interested medical Social Work (fancy that), preferably in the DFW area, and I know will be a wonderful asset to any organization.

While in Austin Marty spent a lot of time at Erin's house as Matt and I went and purchased adult beverages for Erin's party hosted by her ex-bosses at AmeriCorp. Marty went to the party and I think had a really good time. She was on her best behavior, no poop or fart jokes, got to meet Lyle's really cool parents and generally experienced a somewhat normal evening out with people we don't know too well. She did great.

After we got back to the motel, she rested a bit and then Matt and Sarah (our impregnated daughter-in-law) came up to the room and we got to listen to the heart beat of our growing grand child. This is way cool and Marty is really into it, asking questions and put in her two cents worth. Her eyes were wide and she listened intently at the electronic whooshing sound of the babies heartbeat. What an absolutely wonderful and clarifying sound and experience.

We all talked briefly about what, as Grandparents, we wanted to be called and then moved to names for the baby. I think the growing child is a boy, Marty, thinks it's a girl. I have named the boy, Larry-Bob, in honor of the two Grandfathers, if it's a girl, we will call her Larry-Bob too, it seems okay in today's world. Matt just sort of patiently smiles at this, Sarah is a bit more, "no you won't call this child Larry-Bob". I figure if I can get Bob, Sarah's Dad, to go along we can do this very quietly and in secret. So, when you meet my Grandchild, you can call them Larry-Bob.

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